Welcome to the printables page! Here you’ll find various printouts that I’ve made for different games. For the non-word-list printables down below, if you click the image, it will take you to the printable. If you click the words under the image, it will take you to the post with instructions on how to use the printable. Hopefully this page can help you find the game you’re looking for. Happy playing!
Word lists
Here’s some various word lists I’ve made that you can print out and cut up. They’re organized by game, though you could easily use printouts from one game for a different game. There’s also a Holidays category with word lists that can be used for any game. For even bigger lists of words in these categories, check out my online word generator.
Pictionary word lists
Catchphrase word lists |
Charades word listsHoliday word lists
Other word lists
- Celebrities (a list of famous people and characters for the game Celebrities)
- A list of adverbs (for In the manner of the adverb)
- Get to know you questions (and another version of questions more suited for younger children)
- Categories (a list you could use for several games)
- Star Wars Actions (for a new came called pictionades)
- Would you rather phrases for the game Would you rather
Other posts with printables
The dot game (large grid) |
The dot game (small grid) |
Halloween Don’t Eat Pete (visit the link for a poster-sized version) |
Halloween costume bingo (blank) |
Halloween costume bingo (pre-made) |
Support The Game Gal
Download all in one!

Download all these printables in one convenient package (and support the Game Gal while you’re at it)!
I was just googling “Pictionary clues for kids” and came across your site. What a wonderful resource, especially during the holidays when family time and travel are in abundance! Thank you so very much!!
Hi My name is Bob and I love these printables I could just kiss them all day 🙂
You are amazing! Thanks for such wonderful resources, both for my elementary class and for home! 🙂
Thanks, Carie! So happy to help!
Perfect resource for a group of tweens wanting to play charades at a summertime slumber party. Thanks so much!
This site is amazing! I’m a ESL teacher in Denmark and I LOVE your resources! Thank you so much 🙂
Thank you, Julie! I’m so glad to help!
Thank you so much for these we’ll have a lot of fun using them 🙂
Everything I’ve used here has been so useful, my students love the games. Hello from Spain and thank you so much!
Thank you, Teresa in Spain! I did a study abroad there in college and can’t wait to go back one day. 🙂 So glad the games are useful!
thank you for the list ! , will be great to use at our New Senior Center
Thank you for the list! We used it last night for our New Years Eve party, via the app! Great!
Great, thank you, Mamac! Glad to help!
I am so thankful that I found you! I am a director of a senior center and this is a great toll!
Thank you for the kind words, Darlene! So glad to help!
Love this site and all of the resources you have available! As a Youth Leader, I’m sure I will be visiting your page often for some great game ideas! Thank you!
Thanks, Kayla! So glad you find the site helpful!
Thanks a bunch! Perfect printables for charades and pictionary – well designed & laid out. Cheers!
Thanks, Anna!
This is an excellent emergency “go-to” site. Thanks for such perfectly designed and labelled lists.
Thank you, Jim, for the kind comment!
I facilitate an expressive arts group for patients. Thank you for creating this!
Marlena, glad to help!
Love this site. We are doing an art theme 9th birthday party for my granddaughter and along with painting we wanted to play Pictionary and alot of the words on the original game they wouldn’t even know what is was. Found your site and am thrilled. The medium lists are perfect. Will return again in the future for other items. Thank you so much.
Thanks so much for the kind comment, Robin! An art themed birthday party sounds like a blast. Hope the word lists help, and happy birthday to your granddaughter!
Thank you so much for this!! I’m buying the pack tomorrow!! I actually plan to use the piston art and charade words at my outdoor boot camp!! LOL and I’m a Jr. High Spanish teacher–this is an excellent springboard to use and translate from–You’re awesome!! ???? and your hunt too!! ?
*Pictionary words
Awesome, Yolunda! Hope it was a fun boot camp!
Game Gal, You are the greatest in all the land. Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You!!! You have given me so much.I appreciate you so much.
Haha thank you for the nice comment Michelle 🙂
Thank you for the lists! You are awesome!
thank you!!! just what i needed for our games night 🙂
Awesome! Have fun! 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to do this – worth hours of fun for our fam!
these are so great! i just printed the pictionary words for our family and they were so easy to access and print fast for a quick game before bed. thank you for taking your valuable time to make these!!!
Thanks, Erin! I appreciate that! I checked out your blog and it looks really neat. I love your idea of noticing the little things. Thanks for sharing your journey and experiences!
This site is totally awesome! We are making our own Head’s Up game and these printable lists will be great to use! Thank you for all the time and work you put into doing this!
Thanks, Jean! 🙂 Happy to help!
Hi, has anyone come across the game “scrawl”? It’s very funny, but scansion cards are pretty quirky, and I can’t find any extra ideas online!
I’ve never heard of that game before. Send me an email at [email protected] and with more details/instructions and I’ll see if I can help come up with some ideas!
Hello Game Gal, I wanted to thank you for all these printable lists! I am using many of your games with my Spanish students! Your website is so perfectly well done 🙂
Thanks, Paula, that’s so nice of you! I’m so glad it’s a useful website for you 🙂
Hi, Game Gal. Do you have word lists for beginning Spanish?
Oh, I wish I did! I just have lists in English for now. Sorry!
hi this is soo amazing love it 😍😍😘😘
Hay game gal do you have any coloring pages to print out
I actually don’t right now, sorry! I don’t know if I’m a good enough artist to compete with all the other coloring pages online, haha. But maybe I’ll look into it! If you came to the Game Gal site looking for coloring pages, what type would you hope to find?
Thank you so much for making the word lists! I am so excited to play with my girls!
That’s awesome, I hope you and your girls have a great time!
Thank you for these!
I am looking for a word list of wacky, made-up, words to use for Yamodo. Do you happen to know where I can find one?
I’m not sure, Brandy. I don’t know what Yamodo is. If you do a Google search for made-up word generator I’m sure you’ll find something.